World Physiotherapy Day | World PT Day 2021

World Physiotherapy Day 2021: History and significance

World Physiotherapy Day is celebrated every year on 8th September. This day is celebrated to create awareness about the important contributions of physiotherapists who worked very hard to keep people fit and healthy. A physiotherapist use their knowledge on how the body functions, combined with hands-on clinical abilities, to assess, analyze and treat your symptoms. Physical therapist can even help you prevent many injuries and health conditions.


Physios also have the skills to treat and prevent a range of health problems like back pain, cervical, thoracic pain, shoulder pain, headache disorders, Brain and nervous system, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cardio, respiratory conditions and many more.


Theme: Theme of World Physiotherapy day  or World PT Day 2021 is “Rehabilitation and Long COVID-19”. This year’s theme focuses on providing physical therapy through telehealth. Each and Every year, physiotherapists and members of World physiotherapy organization celebrate their contribution to global health on World Physical Therapy Day.


History : World Physiotherapy Day | World PT Day

In 1996, 8 September was designated as World PT Day. On this particular day World Physiotherapy was founded. The day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physical therapy community. This day presents an opportunity to recognize and praise the work of all physical therapists which they do for their patients and the community.


What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a treatment method which is used for treating injury, disease or deformity by physical methods. Physical methods like exercise, massage, heat treatment and other therapies are used instead of drugs or surgery. Physiotherapy  helps in maintaining and restoring maximum body movement and physical function.


Physiotherapy utilizes proven techniques to help restore movement and function to anybody affected by injury, disability or health condition. It is a therapy that can help you with accomplishing movement for life. From initial diagnosis to the stages of recovery, Physiotherapy covers all. It does not only provide pain relief, but it can also help you in making corrections to prevent ongoing and future problems.

Also Read: Conditions Treated in Physiotherapy



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