5 Tips for bike riders to avoid Back Pain

5 Tips for bike riders to avoid Back Pain!

Back Pain – Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling experience for many bike riders. You can use your motorcycle to go for a trip or use it to go to your office daily. However, it is also a cause of neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain. Back pain to be precise is seen in many bike riders. Your bad  posture on a bike is could lead to a many problems. So, here are the 5 Tips for bike riders to avoid Back Pain!

5 Tips for bike riders to avoid Back Pain

1. Stretch

If you sit all day at your job and then use bike for your commute, you should do few things to prevent back pain. Stretch a little bit before you your ride. If you have a long ride, make sure you take breaks with stretching in between.

2. Don’t Slouch

It doesn’t matter if you are sitting on a motorcycle or in your office, slouching is to be avoided. Your body slouches naturally while on a long and tiring bike ride. However, you need to make a conscious choice of avoiding it. Maintain an upright body posture while riding. Maintaining good body posture will help you in preventing future back pain.

3. Manage Body Weight

In motorcycle the body weight generally shift towards the hands, especially on a sports bike because of their build and seat positioning. This can cause pain in the fingers, wrists, forearms and lower back. So, manage your body weight while riding your bike.

4. Refuel and Re-energize

You need to take a break during long bike trip. You must refuel yourself. Riding without replenishments can lead to posture problems. For example, your posture will naturally get affected if you keep on riding continuously for few hours. Even if it is a 10 km ride, you can do basic neck and hand stretching while waiting at the traffic signal.

5. Dress Comfortably

Imagine riding a motorcycle for four hours wearing a three-piece suit. It is not going to be comfortable, right? Similarly, wearing tight-fitting clothes, or jackets during summer, and other such wardrobe misjudgments can lead to a disturbing bike ride. Wear comfort cloth while going on a long bike ride. However, do not confuse this with your safety gear. If you are going for a long ride then always wear safety gears.

Even after doing all this if you are still having back pain then do visit the physiotherapy clinic near you or contact us at HealingHandsBLR@gmail.com.

Also Read: How to manage joint pain in Winters.

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