Joint pain during winter season | Pain Management in Winters | Pain Relief

Pain Management in Winters

Weather-related health problems start to rise during winter season. Especially for those individuals who are having joint pain and other joint-related issues. Pain, stiffness, swelling, fatigue and many other symptoms are difficult to manage during the winter. Physiotherapy can help patients in managing pain in winters and living a pain-free life .

Common conditions that get worsened in winters

1) Joint pain and muscle stiffness are the most common health problem faced by older people during winter season. According to the data more than 50% of senior citizens are seeking treatment for bone and joint problems during winter. The cold weather reduces blood circulation which could worsen your joint pain. Another reason is that muscles become tight at lower temperatures which causes muscle stiffness and pain. Various modalities like Manual Therapy, hot & cold therapy, TENS therapy, and therapeutic exercises can help in reducing joint pain & loosen muscles during winters. Also, your physiotherapist can prescribe you certain exercises to keep the pain away.

2) Rheumatoid arthritis is another chronic condition that people faces during winters. Its symptoms including pain, stiffness,  swelling and others. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are difficult to manage during the winter. Researchers have found that during winter season, individuals having rheumatoid arthritis and other similar conditions suffer from increased pain in the joints. In simple words, as the temperature level drop, the body swells up which causes the pain and stiffness to become more prominent. Under proper guidance patients with rheumatoid arthritis can safely exercise.

3) Cervical Spondylosis is a condition affecting bones, discs and joints of the neck. People having cervical spondylosis can feel discomfort as temperatures decreases in winter. in winters, the condition deteriorates due to cold weather, decreased physical activities and less drinking of water which results in muscle stiffness in the neck. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the management of cervical Spondylosis. Generally it affects middle-aged and elderly people but thanks to the excessive use of mobile phones the young generation are now also having cervical Spondylosis.

4) Asthma – Chances of getting asthma attacks are more during cold weather because a lot of allergens are present in the air during winter season which is the main causative factor for asthma. People suffering from asthma have sensitive airways, which gets worsened by damp or cold weather conditions. Breathing exercises and pursed lip breathing techniques are widely used in asthma to prevent breathing abnormalities. Pursed lip breathing is a technique for slowing down a person’s breathing and getting more air into their lungs.

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment method for managing Joint Pain, Muscle Stiffness, Cervical Spondylosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Treatment methods used are TENS Therapy, PEMF Therapy, IFT Therapy, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Cold Laser Therapy, Manual Therapy, Cupping Therapy and Dry Needling Therapy. A physiotherapist also suggests various exercises to improve strength, flexibility, core stability and range of motion. After few physiotherapy sessions you will feel the difference like improving overall physical fitness, improved sense of wellbeing, and greater ease in doing daily activities. 

Also read: Physiotherapy can prevent surgery

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